Playing It By Ear

I created this blog as a response to the Ultimate Blog Challenge for October 2013, with the goal of 31 blog posts in 31 days. Β It’s pretty daunting to think about doing. What do I write about? Will people like it? Will anyone even ready it? I don’t know the answers but I know that you will never do something unless you start it.

So here I am. Playing It By Ear!

I think that i will focus on Music, and playing musical instruments. It has been a passion of mine for a long time and I love to share about it. So that’s gonna be my main focus. From time to time I will get some other motivation to write something else.

Thanks for listening and have a great day always remembering that today is an opportunity to create something new

PIBE is my response to the

6 thoughts on “Playing It By Ear”

  1. David,
    That was AWESOME πŸ™‚ I love your blog very informative. You are a great guy to put up with the INSANITARIANS πŸ™‚ keep it up


  2. You go boy! You just never know. You might be motivation some of us need to finally get off our butts and work on our play-it-by-ear skills.

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