Pay It Forward


A Beautiful thing happened to me today!

A wonderful little lady paid for me to get my gas tank filled with gas. It was a very beautiful thing for he to do. And so I will look for someone else to help them. Not that I wouldn’t help them before, but that I would make a special effort to be nice to others as this lady was to me. She made a point to let me know that she was having a bad day and was insistent on me accepting the gasoline so that she would feel better about her day and herself. Her only stipulation on this was that I would Pay It Forward for someone else when I can.

WOW! What an attitude to have when you’re having a bad day. If the world could adopt this attitude, the world would be a much better place. I will definitely keep this attitude for the rest of the week and hopefully for the rest of my life – Be nice to others ESPECIALLY when you are having a BAD DAY!!! Oh what a world we would have if everyone thought like this.

I think about some of the knowledge transfer in the world today as well. This attitude can be useful in reaching others. There is nothing better than to help each other out and pay it forward as we go. I know that my world view has been tipped farther toward this concept having experienced it in this way. I’m DEFINITELY going to Pay It Forward as I Play It By Ear!!!

6 thoughts on “Pay It Forward”

  1. I love random acts of kindness. I was at an Oasis in line at a Starbucks. There were 2 nuns traveling to Minnesota. I motioned to the cashier that I was going to pay for them. When they realized what I was doing they turned around and Thanked me. They asked me if I was Catholic and they were really surprised when I said no, that I was just paying it forward. They decided to light a candle for me when they got to Minnesota.
    Fred McMurray recently posted…Highlight Your Company’s Products and Services with LinkedIn’s Showcase PagesMy Profile

    1. That’s a great story Fred. I’ve done this at the Drive Through at different Fast Food Chains. It gives a great feeling just to do a good deed for someone just because…

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