Endurance – Never Give Up!

The Endurance Ship in Full Sail - Image Courtesy of Wikipedia

Endurance – is defined by Wikipedia as the ability of an organism to exert itself and remain active for a long period of time, as well as its ability to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds, or fatigue... Endurance may also refer to an ability to keep going through a tough situation involving hardship, & stress.

Ernest Shackleton - Image Courtesy of Wikipedia

This is exemplified by the Imperial Trans-Antartic Expedition that was run by Sir Ernest Shackleton from 1914 to 1917. It’s also called the Endurance Expedition because of how many months the people on the expedition had to wait to be rescued in very poor and cold conditions. The human spirit can cause a man to endure great things. These men endured because they believed that their leader, Sir Ernest Shackleton would return for them. He did!

And just as these men endured you have to endure as you learn something new or even as you continue in whatever task you’re engaged in. I remember when I started playing the guitar, I had to endure the calluses and hand pain. But I’m glad I did, because the end result is great opportunities to Play It By Ear.

Smile and remember that today is another opportunity to Play It By Ear!

6 thoughts on “Endurance – Never Give Up!”

  1. You are absolutely right. We need to endure in order to reach our end goals. We have to believe that it will be worth it in the end or we will inevitably give up.

    1. Yes Ann-Marie. Sometimes we have to go through our journey on tiptoe at a time in stead of a step. Or even stand still or go backwards for a little bit before we get to the end. Just keep on holding on.


  2. I appreciate your blog post on endurance, especially in light of my ADHD. Endurance is not one of my strong points; I like quick and easy anything. If something is going to take a long time to learn, I quickly lose interest or get side-tracked. Thanks for the encouragement and reminder that sometimes we must endure, not because we want to, but because we have to.

  3. Love this message. Keep at it to find who you really are. I stress this with my gifting team, with my readers, with anybody. I was a fired security guard and now I travel the world, crazy change but endurance and my decision to go forward made it happen.

    Power share buddy!


    1. Thanks Ryan. I really appreciate it. This is my first blog and my first Blogging Challenge. I’m trying to stay with it, but I’m a few days behind. I will keep trying though. And. I. Won’t. Give. Up

      Thanks for stopping by,

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