So I had the opportunity to see my favorite group tonight – Take 6. They are absolutely amazing. I was blown away by the sheer musicality of the performance as well as the passion and love for what they do. Take 6 has been doing this as a band for 25 years.
25 years is a long time to be doing anything, and they’ve been doing it at a very high level for this long. The question remains: what does it take to achieve this kind of success in a entertainment saturated marketplace of 2017?
Hundreds of thousands of hours of rehearsals and overcoming naysayers at every turn. There’s a lesson here for all who want to Play It By Ear… Keep pressing through… Keep moving forward as I always say #ForwardEver #BackwardNever. This is the key. You can’t let anything keep you back from your dream. Putty our dream into action and keep it moving…
I’m a fan and I can see the results of their dream after 25 years. It’s great to see. What can you do with that dedication for 25 years? I daresay you smile and keep Playing It By Ear!
Smile and remember that today is another opportunity to Play It By Ear!