Face Your Fears – Dentist

Face Your Fears - Even The Dentist
Face Your Fears – Even the Dentist – They are your friend!!!

This post will be a fun post for me. I happen to like the dentist and every time I go there I get a lot of people who say that I go there too much. I. Love. My. Dentist. Super Fun Time. What I don’t get is people who because they are afraid of the dentist, they don’t go.

It’s like someone having to play a piece for the first time. They may not do it because of fear of failure or a fear of messing up. The only way to get over it is to actually play the piece before an unbiased audience. There is no getting over the fear of performance without performance. So to get over your fear of the dentist, go to one. Make sure that you go to one that has a great reputation as a people person. If you need a recommendation I just comment below, and I will be sure to get the info to you.

I did my first solo when I was six years old. I sang a song in my church because I was told that if I did it I would get a bicycle. I overcame my fear and was able to perform to the satisfaction of everyone in attendance. So another way to overcome your fear is to have a greater reward. Another thing that works for me is to pray. My faith in God has pulled me through many a tough situation.

For me, Playing by Ear is it’s own reward. And I love it. I have even started practicing the same songs on my guitar as I do the piano and then I try to learn the song on guitar and play it on piano without practicing the piano part – Very Invigorating. So whatever it is you fear, know that you can make it through. Just keep on keeping on and keep Playing It By Ear!!!

Face Your Fear - This too Shall Pass
Face Your Fear – This Too Shall Pass!!!

2 thoughts on “Face Your Fears – Dentist”

  1. I have a great dentist too. He loves to laugh. He’s also very gentle but gets the job done perfectly. You are right, most of the time our fears are pretty much unfounded or at least smaller in reality than we’ve built up in our imagination. Facing your fear cuts down those scary monsters to pint size villains … LOL!

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