Challenges – Bring It!

So I’ve gotten away from talking about music. And I’ve been talking about life and current events. That in and of itself is a challenge, that is finding my voice. Speaking about the voice, I had to sing the U.S. National Anthem – the Star Spangled Banner @ the Massachusetts Firefighting Academy Class 203 graduation today. It was a challenge that I met gladly!

But in addition to the blogging, I’m also doing a Personal Transformation Challenge called the 28 Days To A New Me – Personal Transformation. It’s a journey of commitment, and it basically provides encouragement and accountability. It’s what I’ve been using for the past year to lose weight and become a better person. It’s enabled me to go out of my comfort zone and try something like the the Ultimate Blog Challenge. Here’s a picture of what a daily post looks like in the 28 Days to a New Me challenge – Completed Insanity Core Cardio And Balance DVD and 336 push-ups & crunches!

#Day1of28 Awesome!

Everyone faces challenges in life. Maybe you’re trying to do a new thing like this blogging challenge. Or you focus on your health and wellness. Or are you starting or continuing to run an enterprise? Or school? Or Domestic challenges? Or you may be facing a Medical challenge? Or maybe you are learning to play an instrument or sing? Or maybe you lost your job or a car recently?

Whatever challenge you face, it is what we do with those challenges that makes the difference between a great life, and a mediocre one or one that’s not so good. What are you doing about your challenges today? Some challenges require assistance from other sources. One of my sources is my Faith in God. I find all my strength there.

I know that I’m gonna smile, keep a positive attitude and face the challenge head-on while I Play It By Ear!

9 thoughts on “Challenges – Bring It!”

    1. No. You could do anything that you want to do. Some people are working on their health. Some, on writing. There was one guy who was learning Japanese. The thing us your have make whatever you want to do quantifiable or measurable. Like I will workout for 30 mins a day, or I will study Japanese using my app and YouTube videos for 60 mins a day. And then you report your progress and it gets tracked. Let me know if that makes sense or not…

  1. David- hey stopping by from the UBC FB Group. Boy, that is alot of abbreviations. I decided to write on a different blog this month. I am taking part in two blogging challenges this month. There is the UBC for November and then there is one called Contentpalooza. It is where I have to write 30,000 words, or 30 pictures/graphics, or a combination of the two during the month of November. I am writing on two blogs so I wrote almost 1,000 words today. So, perhaps another time I will challenge to improve my personal self. happy blogging!

  2. Good luck on your challenge. In addition to the UBC, I’m facing the challenge of being self-employed for the first time. So my focus this month is to make sure that I run my new website to the best of my ability while providing informational content to my readers!

  3. Dave, I am totally considering the 28 day challenge. Although right now, adding something else to my list seems a little daunting. Is this an ongoing challenge or just for November.


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